
We would like to inform you, that we organize Leonberger Breeding exams more times in a year. We publish dates and places of the breeding exams on our website, furthermore we send the details to our members via e-mail.
We introduce our Wesen-test in the video below of this page.

Our next breeding exam:
Youth dog exam and Breeding exam – 28th July 2024.
Start: 18:00
Place: 2461 Tárnok (at the place of the dog school of Tárnok)
Entry deadline: 22nd July 2024.

  • Mária Kerekes – anatomy
  • Antal Petrás – Wesen-test

Reduced-fee for people having federal card:

  • Youth dog exam: 9.000 Ft
  • Breeding exam: 18.000 Ft

Please send your entries to leoe.tenyesztes@gmail.com.
Please attach to your entry the following documents in every case:

  • the filled out Entry form: Download,
  • copy of both pages of the pedigree,
  • copy of 2 judgement papers from 2 different dog shows (at least Very Good or Excellent classification; at least one of them must be reached in adult class; from 2 different FCI judges),
  • certificate of Youth Dog Exam, if you would like to enter on the Breeding exam,
  • copy of the certificate of payment.

If you already have them, then please attach the following documents too:

  • the certificate of HD-result,
  • the certificate of LPN1-test (in case of immunity by parentage: certificate of both parents).

Please transfer the entry fee till the current entry deadline to here:

  • Name: LEOE
  • Bank: MBH Bank Nyrt.
  • Account number: HU32 7360 0149 1112 2960 0000 0000

Dogs can participate on the Breeding Exam from the age of 18 months. If you would like to participate on the Breeding Exam with your dog, then you have to participate on the Youth Dog Exam at first. If it is possible, then do the Youth Dog Exam till the age of 24 months. The aim of Youth Dog Exam is the practice, it is the same like a normal Breeding Exam, but your dog still don’t get a breeding license with it. The Youth Dog Exam is repeatable. Entry fee of the Youth dog exam is 5.000 Ft to our members. (If you are not member at us, then the entry fee is 10.000 Ft for you.) Please send your entries to leoe.tenyesztes@gmail.com with the above-mentioned attachments.


Video presentation about our Wesen-test: